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Murphy is still obsessed with Klara and can’t stop imagining the life they could have shared, if fate had been kinder to them.Īfter “Love” ended at around 3 a.m., the audience peeled off their 3D glasses to deliver a thunderous standing ovation inside the Palais. He’s bored of his marriage to Omi (Klara Kristin), and the movie jumps back and forth in time as we see Murphy and Electra fall madly in love, and slowly drift apart. The story is told through flashbacks (a la “Blue Valentine”) as Murphy (Karl Glusman) receives a phone call that his ex-girlfriend Electra (Aomi Muyock) is missing. The latter encounter is perhaps the only love scene in the film that couldn’t be mistaken for pornography.īut despite “Love’s” fearlessness when it comes to the human body, it’s really meant to expose an emotional truth: The act of falling in love is destructive and painful. There’s also two threesome scenes: one involving a 17-year-old next door neighbor and another with a transgender woman.

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